Into the Fortress, a new (slowly) in development roguelite heavily inspired by Enter the Gungeon, Hades, 40k, Hyperion, and more!

All assets are placeholders currently!

To-Do list:

  • Fix gun rotation/mirroring/layering
  • Add 10 rooms to first level
  • Continue tweaking level generation
  • Add some sort of loop to level generation
  • Remove unused doors for level generation
  • Make main menu more robust
  • Add intro “cinematic”
  • Add first proper animated enemies
  • Add some basic movement patterns to enemy AI
  • Add items from chests (new guns/and items)
    • Add pistol
    • Add rocket launcher
    • Add grenade launcher
  • Add radar/map
  • Add percentage health to HUD
  • Add ammo system


  • Improved collision detection for bullets (bullets disappear after hitting walls/player/enemies)
  • Add new weapon (shotgun) that can be picked up from a chest in one of the rooms
  • Added framework for easily adding new guns to game
  • Different firing modes for weapons (full auto for P90/semi auto for shotgun)


  • Includes basic room generation
  • Enemies that shoot at you in each room
  • Ability to move around map and fire your gun at enemies
  • Basic health system

Development log

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